Friday, May 8, 2015

Moving Closer...Somewhat

Hello! I'll have to admit, I haven't made much progress over the past week. The reason for this is that I have spent most of my time studying for the AP tests that I have both this week and the next. Although I have not practiced the saxophone very much, I did manage to get in about an hour of playing.

I was somewhat rusty after not having played for a few days, so I'll try to get some more playing in over the next couple of weeks. I worked primarily on September, one of the marching band songs that we played this year. I think I have gotten the chorus and the opening down, but I'm not sure I'll be able to play some of the high notes. Attempts to play these notes usually don't end up too well - they would be more appropriate in a guess-the-animal-sound game! In the future, I will try playing the second saxophone part, which has lower notes than the part I was playing. This should help me to play with a better tone because I will not have to struggle to play any high notes.

Here's a video of our band playing September this past year:

Over the next week I plan to spend some more time learning, practicing, and memorizing some more marching band songs as well as continue working on September. I'm not sure which song I will choose next, but I will do that soon. I will also review some of the sharp notes and flat notes so that I can play them without having to think of which note they are.


  1. If you choose to work on another song, i would recommend playing Hey Baby, which isn't to hard to learn.

  2. I hope you can find time to make your passion a priority. How can you problem solve to have more time? What can be eliminated from your life?

  3. Great progress! Hope your AP's went well!
